[Poem] The dilemma of the raindrop.
Originally, published on my Facebook wall.
The dilemma of the raindrop.
Should I hold on or fall off?
Holding on, is persistence.
Falling off, is freedom.
Holding on, requires enormous effort.
Falling off, is just quite easy.
Holding on, is a struggle.
Falling off, is a natural way out.
Holding on, has no support.
Falling off, has the advantage of some fundamental forces like gravity.
But you know what — against all the odds — I will simply hold on.
Because — holding on, is all about it.
Not all the drops get to fall back to the ground;
Not all the drops get to stick to the wire;
And most importantly, not all the drops get to choose.
Should I hold on or fall off — is at the the of the day — just a question of choices.
I know one day I will definitely fall off. But, that’s not today.
I’m going to strive hard for the choices I do make.
The choice that helps to me to see a beautiful #SunRise.
The choice that helps to me — to have a choice first of all.
Yes. Only till I hold on, I have a choice.
So, I’m holding on. On and on. ;)